Buena Creek Conservation Bank, San Diego County, CA –USFWS has granted the final release of Coastal California gnatcatcher habitat conservation credits. The bank provides compensation for the loss of coastal sage scrub habitat within the pre-approved service area or outside of the service area, as approved by the USFWS on a case-by-case basis.
Haera Wildlife Conservation Bank, Alameda County, CA – This bank is now sold out! The final burrowing owl credit sale was completed in June, 2015. The bank provided 299 acres of conservation credits for burrowing owl and San Joaquin kit fox habitat and will continue to be monitored and managed by Wildlands to ensure the site remains as quality habitat.
Liberty Island Conservation Bank, Yolo County, CA – Wildlands has received another credit release from USFWS, CDFW and NMFS for meeting the performance standards as outlined in the Conservation Bank Agreement. Salmonid, Delta smelt and longfin smelt restoration credits are now available for projects in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta with impacts to Delta native fish.
Nookachamps Wetland Mitigation Bank, Skagit County, WA – The Nookachamps bank received its latest wetland credit release in April, 2015 for achieving certain performance standards according to the bank’s Mitigation Banking Instrument. The bank offers wetland credits as compensation for impacts to wetlands and other aquatic resources within the lower Skagit River Basin, also referred to as Water Resource Inventory Area 3.