Mitigation Projects

Deer Creek Mitigation Bank


The proposed Deer Creek Mitigation Bank is located on approximately 175.015 acres in southeastern Sacramento County, California. The Bank proposes the re-establishment of a vernal pool landscape, which includes the construction of approximately 9 acres of vernal pools and swales, 1.56 acres of seasonal wetland swales, and rehabilitation of 1.44 acres of ephemeral drainage. The vernal pools would provide suitable habitat for federally listed vernal pool crustaceans including vernal pool fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi) and vernal pool tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus packardi), which are documented to occur just north of the Bank on the Kiefer Landfill Preserve.

The Bank Enabling Instrument is currently under review by the Sacramento District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”) and Region IX of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“USEPA”), also referred to as the Interagency Review Team (“IRT”).

175 acres

Location: Sacramento County, California

Mitigation Types

  • Wetland/Waters of the U.S.
  • Vernal Pool Creation

Service Area


The proposed service area includes a portion of the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) it is located within [Cosumnes River (18040013)], and all or portions of the three adjacent 8-digit HUCs [Lower American River (18020111), Cache Slough-Sacramento River (18020163), and Mokelumne River (18040012)] as shown in the service area map.

Approving Agencies

  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

For additional information on the Deer Creek Mitigation Bank, please contact Julie Maddox at (916) 435-3555 or