Mitigation Projects

Buena Creek Conservation Bank

Coastal California Gnatcatcher
  • The Buena Creek Conservation Bank is located in unincorporated San Diego County, California. The Bank provides USFWS-approved conservation credits as compensation for projects resulting in the temporary or permanent loss of sage scrub habitat that is or may be providing habitat for the federally listed threatened coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica), a federally listed threatened species and a California species of special concern. The Bank is comprised of 116.2 acres of gnatcatcher-occupied coastal sage scrub habitat.

121 acres

Location: San Diego County, California

Mitigation Types

  • Coastal California Gnatcatcher
  • Coastal California Gnatcatcher
  • Coastal Sage Scrub
  • Coastal Sage Scrub

Service Area

The northern segment and the Fallbrook Naval Weapons Station of the Draft North County Multiple Species Conservation Program Plan (NC MSCP) as shown on the service area map; the remainder of western San Diego County, as shown on the map, may provide compensation on a case-by-case basis, as approved by the USFWS.

Approving Agencies

  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

For additional information on the Buena Creek Conservation Bank, please contact Julie Maddox at (916) 435-3555 or