Black Mountain Conservation Bank
Species & Habitat Types Found at the Bank:
- Agassiz Desert Tortoise
- Mohave Ground Squirrel
- Burrowing Owl
- Desert Kit Fox
- American Badger
- Waters of the State, including Stream (Desert Dry Wash) and Swale Network
- Golden Eagle (Foraging Habitat)
1,940 acres
Location: San Bernardino County, California
Mitigation Types
- Desert Tortoise
- Mohave Ground Squirrel
- Waters of the State
Service Area
The Covered Species service area conforms with the Western Mojave Recovery Unit, pursuant to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Revised Recovery Plan for the Mojave Population of the Desert Tortoise.
The Waters of the State service area corresponds with the jurisdictional limits of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board to the east and west; then extends northerly within the LRWQCB jurisdictional limits to the County lines; and then extends southeasterly to include adjoining HUCs.
Approving Agencies
- California Department of Fish & Wildlife
For additional information on the Black Mountain Conservation Bank, please contact Julie Maddox at (916) 435-3555 or