A Letter From Our CEO


Dear Friends,

The year of 2016 marks our 25th Anniversary—it is truly amazing how time flies when you are having fun! Reflecting back to the beginning, Wildlands had a vision of a conservation strategy. We truly had no idea that our pioneering efforts would become such an integral part in the development of the mitigation banking industry as we know it today.

Incorporated in 1991, Wildlands embarked on an uncharted journey to develop the first entrepreneurial wetlands mitigation bank in the West. Little did we know we would also have to create the framework for the concept because it had never been done before. Three years later, with a lot of cooperation from the regulatory and resource agencies, coupled with tremendous support from local government, we opened the Sheridan Mitigation Bank in Placer County, California. A 300 acre wetland complex comprised of vernal pools, seasonal wetlands, and riparian wetlands set the stage for testing our conservation/business model. And boy, did it! Struggling at first, we weathered the storm and managed to pioneer many “first of its kind” in the industry.

Not only did Wildlands have the first wetlands mitigation bank west of the Mississippi, we developed the first vernal pool conservation bank, the first fisheries mitigation bank, the first elderberry mitigation bank, the first giant garter snake mitigation bank, and the first NRDA mitigation bank, along with multiple other species banks. Today we can proudly take credit for preserving nearly 50,000 acres of land across the west through the development and sale of mitigation and conservation credits.

Naturally, as it is with most businesses, nothing has come easy. Fortunately, Wildlands has been blessed with a very talented, loyal and highly trained staff that forged their way through all the challenges we faced to build the company as we know it today. Without them, our vision 25 years ago would not have been possible, nor would it be without the support of the regulatory community and our great customer base. I thank you all for your tremendous support!

As we move forward, we remain committed to our mission, “To create a legacy of thriving and protected natural habitat through ecological and economic cooperation.”

The first 25 years have been amazing for all of us at Wildlands. Thanks to all of you who have participated along the way—we are truly grateful!


Steve Morgan
CEO, President