Toad Hill Ranch Mitigation Bank, Placer County, CA
The Toad Hill Bank received its latest wetland credit release in October, 2015 for achieving the year 3 vegetation and hydrology performance standards for the wetlands created as part of Phases I & II.
Photo credit: Dennis Cavallo
The bank offers vernal pool and seasonal wetland credits as compensation for impacts to wetlands and associated special-status species habitats within the Bank’s pre-approved service area.
River Ranch VELB Conservation Bank, Yolo County, CA
November 1st marked the start of the dormant season for elderberry shrubs, which is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s recommended transplant window for transplants.
The dormant period ends in the first two weeks of February; please contact us today if you have any valley elderberry longhorn beetle (VELB) mitigation credit or transplant needs. Credits and shrub transplant services are available at the River Ranch VELB Conservation Bank for projects within the Bank’s service area (see map).
San Luis Rey Mitigation Bank, San Diego County, CA
Planting will be commencing soon at the 53-acre San Luis Rey Wetland Mitigation Bank in Oceanside, CA. Construction was completed earlier this summer and planting this winter will include 10,000 cuttings to be planted along with 4,000 container plants.
The site will be seeded with a mix of native shrubs, forbs, and grasses. Once complete and construction “as-builts” are approved by the regulatory agencies, Wildlands will be eligible to receive the next round of credits. A limited number of wetland and waters of the U.S./State credits are available now. Please contact us today to reserve credits from the next release.
Please contact us for more information about these Banks or to inquire about credits.